Driving Directions

Travel time: approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes

  1. Take Hwy No. 1 East past Chilliwack (1 hour and 45 minutes)
  2. Continue on Hwy No. 1 past Chilliwack until you are near Hope (30 minutes)
  3. Take Exit 170
  4. Go left when reaching the lights at the end of Exit 170 (this continues to Hwy No. 1 through Hope)
  5. Once you pass through Hope continue on Hwy No. 1 for about 14 kilometres.
  6. Be in the left lane after passing American Creek, look for the Texas Creek sign.
  7. Turn left on Nickel Mine Road immediately after passing over Texas Creek.
  8. Take the first right on Reynolds Road.
  9. Right on Apostolic Way. Proceed to Dogwood Valley Camp gate at the end of the road.
  10. Drive on through the gate. Follow the gravel road up to the house on the top of the hill with two garages.
  11. Check-in with the camp caretakers.
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